Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Car Trouble

It seems that the worst time for your car to break down is typically when it happens, like when you are moving across country carrying all your worldly possession and leaving the country in three weeks; thanks Murphy! So we pulled into our first stop in Iowa on Sunday and just as we showed up in town our Trailblazer, all of the sudden, started making this awful stone crushing sound or as though a piece of iron was being slammed into the vehicle's drive shaft causing the axle to lock up and not move; we had never experienced any problem with the vehicle before that moment. We have taken it to a shop and they are going to have to replace the whole front differential and it may take over a week to do the work.

Thankfully, we had been driving two vehicles so we were able to move into just one. We are also very, very happy that it happened at a destination instead of in the middle of nowhere. It sort of sucks that the repair will take so long and that it is suck in Eastern Iowa and it needs to be in Nebraska; but we can figure something out about that. We keep everybody posted and hopefully this kind of excitement will subside.

P.S. In our absent mindedness we forgot some of our clothes that we need for Panama in our hotel in Indiana that they will be mailing to us. We do not appear to be making this trip very easy on ourselves!

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