Saturday, June 7, 2008


So we have a lot of information coming when we will be in our site (only 3 weeks away folks!) as we have a lot of things we would like to share, but too little time to write anything up, which will change soon! Anyhow, we wanted to give you all an update as to what is going on in our lives as of right now. We will be leaving next week to visit our communities for the first time, and meet our ¨counterparts¨ who we are supposed to be working with for the next two years. During this time (approximately one week) we will try and set up our living situation for the 3 months we will be living with a host family in site, as well as doing a general community analysis and figuring out what types of work we will be doing in the first three months. Everyone is pretty excited about starting to form a picture of the next 2 years in their brains and we are not excluded! We only have 3 weeks left of training before our official Swear-In as Peace Corps Volunteers, and we are very excited.
Last week we jumped back into the swing of training after two weeks out in the ´campo´or field learning hands on techniques to many of the projects we might be possibly working on. This past week was pretty difficult as we had to prepare and pull-off an eco-fair for 250 some kids at the local elementary school (only with the time we had this week) as well as do a community proposal for a possible solution to the sometimes good, sometimes bad water situation in our host town. All of this was finished up on Friday with a group of us going to the next closest town (where some of our other trainees are staying) to see a local typico band play. We all showed up around 9pm, and Brandon and I could only stay until 12am (before one of the best typico bands in the country even came on stage...), as we were already so exhuausted from the week. Today we are back in Chorrera for more classes, and tomorrow we have a free day, then Monday (Our one year wedding anniversary!!) we have classes like normal again. It´s been quite an intense past couple of weeks.
So that´s our update for now, we will try and write more soon! Love and hugs from Panama!
-Ashley and Brandon

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